From: "Snkdavis" To: Subject: N3FJP's Amateur Radio Software Date: Saturday, February 01, 2014 3:55 PM Hi George, Thanks very much for your support of our software. We have received your registration for N3FJP's Software Package, and it is greatly appreciated. Enjoy the programs! Your passwords will be the following for your call sign K5XU: Amateur Contact Log - 29799 ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log - 28896 ARRL 160 Meter Contest Log - 31304 ARRL RTTY Contest Log - 39431 CQ 160 Meter Contest Log - 33110 CQ World Wide Contest Log - 31003 CQ World Wide Network Log - 33712 CQ WPX Contest Log - 31605 CQ WPX Network Contest Log - 27090 Emergency Manager Network Log - 28809 (Use your last name for registration) Field Day Contest Log - 30401 Field Day Network Contest Log - 31906 FISTS Contest Log - 34615 Ham Club Database - 29106 (Use your last name for registration) IARU HF Contest Log - 32207 International DX Contest Log - 30100 International DX Contest Network Log - 27391 NA Sprint Contest Log - 27993 NAQP Contest Log - 32809 NAQP Network Contest Log - 34314 Net Manager Log - 28294 November Sweepstakes Contest Log - 29197 QRP ARCI Contest Log - 32508 RAC Contest Log - 39130 State QSO Party Programs - 15050 Stew Perry Contest Log - 40033 Ten-Ten Contest Log - 30702 VHF Contest Log - 28595 VHF Network Contest Log - 34013 Please keep a copy of this e-mail in a safe place so that you have a record of your passwords. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning the software, feel free to email: or visit our website: We would like to invite you to join the N3FJP Software e-mail list so that we can alert you to free upgrades, enhancements and new programs. We are the only ones who can post to this group so you will not be swamped with e-mail by subscribing. We are very sensitive to e-mail volume and will keep e-mail to a minimum. To subscribe to the N3FJP Software group, please send a blank e-mail to the following address: Again, thank you for your support of our amateur radio programming efforts. 73, Scott & Kimberly Davis N3FJP & KA3SEQ Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.