kenwood ts-590a FRONT PANEL double column on far left of transceiver immediately above mic and phones. rows read left to right. Each key will be preeceeded by a number indicating position; in row-column format i.e. 1-1, 1-2, etc. 1-1 [PF A] You can assign a function to this Programmable Function key {page 54}. 1-2 [ power ] Press and hold to switch the transceiver power ON and OFF {page 10}. 2-1 [ATT (RX ANT)] Press to turn the receiver attenuator ON or OFF {page 40}. Press and hold to enable or disable the RX-ANT terminal {page 50}. 2-2 [PRE (ANT 1/2)] Press to turn the pre-amplifier ON or OFF {page 40}. Press and hold to select either ANT 1 or ANT 2 {page 50}. 3-1 [VOX (LEV)] In voice mode, press to turn the VOX (Voice-Operated Transmit) function ON or OFF {page 30}. In CW mode, press to turn the Break-in function ON or OFF {page 32}. Press and hold to adjust the microphone input gain for VOX operation. 3-2 [PROC (LEV)] Press to turn the Speech Processor ON or OFF {page 31}. Press and hold to adjust the Speech Processor input level. 4-1 [SEND] Press to turn transmission ON or OFF. 4-2 [AT (TUNE)] Press to turn the internal antenna tuner ON or OFF {page 50}. Press and hold to start tuning the automatic antenna tuner. 5-1 [ PHONES jack ] Mate with a 6.3 mm (1/4") diameter, 2-conductor (mono) or 3-conductor (stereo) plug for connecting a set of headphones {page 2}. 6-1 [ MIC connector ] Connect a microphone to this connector {page 2}. the next row of two keys is nearly centered directly above the numeric keypad. They will be read left to right without position designators. [METER (DRV)] Press to switch the meter type. Press and hold to turn the Drive Out function ON or OFF {page 50}. [PF B] You can assign a function to this Programmable Function key {page 54}. This column of keys is between the phones and mic connectors and the keypad. It will be read from top to bottom without position designators. [MIC (CAR)] Press to adjust the microphone gain {page 13}. While the Speech Processor function is ON, press to adjust the Speech Processor output level {page 31}. Press and hold to adjust the carrier level {page 23}. [PWR (TX MONI)] Press to adjust the transmission output power {pages 13, 55}. Press and hold to turn the transmission signal monitor function ON or OFF {page 56}. [KEY (DELAY)] Press to adjust the internal electronic keyer speed {page 33}. Press and hold to adjust the VOX delay time for voice mode {page 30} or Break-in time (Full Break-in/ Semi Break-in time) for CW mode. [GENE] Press to select the general coverage band memory {page 11}. This is the numeric keypad. Kenwood's name in brackets gives the standard touchtone position for each key, so position designators will not be given. [1.8 (1)] Press to select the 1.8 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 1. [3.5 (2)] Press to select the 3.5 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 2. [7 (3)] Press to select the 7 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 3. [10 (4)] Press to select the 10 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 4. [14 (5)] Press to select the 14 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 5. [18 (6)] Press to select the 18 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 6. [21 (7)] Press to select the 21 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 7. [24 (8)] Press to select the 24 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 8. [28 (9)] Press to select the 28 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 9. [50 (0)] Press to select the 50 MHz band memory {page 11} or enter keypad number 0. [CLR (*)] Press to exit from, abort, or reset various functions. Press and hold to clear a memory channel {page 44}. [ENT (#)] Press to enter your desired frequency using the 10-key keypad {page 28}. This column of five keys is located between the keypad and the main tuning control. It will be read top to bottom. [LSB/USB] Press to select LSB or USB mode {page 11}. [CW/FSK (REV)] Press to select CW or FSK mode {page 11}. Press and hold to select a sideband (CW/ CW-R or FSK/ FSK-R). [FM/AM (FM-N)] Press to select FM or AM mode {page 11}. Press and hold to select Narrow FM mode. [DATA] Press to select a Data mode (LSB/ LSB-DATA, USB/ USB-DATA, or FM/ FM-DATA) {page 11}. [FINE (F.LOCK)] Press to activate the Fine tuning function to allow more precise tuning {page 29}. Press and hold to activate the Frequency Lock function {page 53}. Central (Tuning) control Turn to select the desired frequency {page 12}. Use the convenient finger-tip cavity for continuous tuning. Slide the lever underneath the Tuning control to the left or right to adjust the torque level of the control. Left makes the control light and right makes it heavy. TX-RX LED Lights red while transmitting and green when the squelch opens while receiving. block of controls between tuning control and square of concentric knobs on right. position indicators will be given as with the first double column of controls. Note: rows contain different numbers of controls. 1-1 [IF FIL] Press to toggle between IF Filter A and IF Filter B {page 38}. You can adjust the filter bandwidth using the LO/WIDTH and HI/SHIFT controls. Press and hold [IF FIL] to momentarily display each setting value of the current DSP filter DSP filter bandwidth {page 38}. 1-2 [NB (LEV)] Press to cycle through Noise Blanker 1, Noise Blanker 2, and OFF. Press and hold to adjust the Noise Blanker level {page 40}. 1-3 [NR (LEV)] Press to cycle through the DSP Noise Reduction types: NR1, NR2, or OFF {page 39}. When the Noise Reduction function is turned ON, press and hold to change the parameters of the Noise Reduction function {page 39}. 1-4 [BC (A.NOTCH)] Press to select the DSP Beat Cancel function, BC1 (Beat Cancel 1), BC2 (Beat Cancel 2) or OFF {page 39}. Press and hold to toggle the Auto Notch Filter ON and OFF {page 39}. 1-5 [NOTCH (WIDE)] Press to toggle the IF Notch Filter ON or OFF {page 39}. Press and hold to set up the IF Notch bandwidth {page 39}. 2-1 [SPLIT] Press to enter split-frequency operation, allowing you to use different transmission and reception frequencies {page 24}. 2-2 [TF-SET] During split-frequency operation, press to monitor or change your transmit frequency {page 24}. note: this control is somewhat larger. 2-3 [A/B (A=B)] Press to select either VFO A or VFO B {page 24}. Press and hold to duplicate the data in the current VFO to the other VFO {page 25}. While in Menu mode, press to select Menu A or Menu B. While in Program Memory Channel mode, press to recall the start or end frequency. 2-4 [CH1 (REC)] Press to play back a CW {page 34} or voice message (requires VGS-1 option) {page 58}. Press and hold to record a CW {page 34} or voice message (requires VGS-1 option) {page 59}. 3-1 [M/V] Press to toggle between Memory and VFO modes. 3-2 [M.IN] Press to enter Memory Scroll mode and to store data to a Memory channel {page 41}. 3-3 [M>V] Press to transfer the current Memory Channel contents to the VFO. 3-4 [CH2 (REC)] Press to play back a CW {page 34} or voice message (requires VGS-1 option) {page 59}. Press and hold to record a CW {page 34} or voice message (requires VGS-1 option) {page 59}. 4-1 [Q-M.IN] Press to store data to the Quick Memory. 4-2 [Q-MR] Press to recall data from the Quick Memory, while in VFO mode. Press to enter Memory Name Edit mode, while in Memory Channel mode. 4-3 [CH3 (REC)] Press to play back a CW {page 34} or voice message (requires VGS-1 option) {page 59}. Press and hold to record a CW {page 34} or voice message (requires VGS-1 option) {page 59}. 5-1 [MHz] Press to turn the MHz Up/ Down function ON or OFF. The MHz digit increases or decreases when you turn the MULTI/CH control. In Menu mode, press to turn the Quick Menu ON or OFF {page 14}. 5-2 [SCAN (SG.SEL)] Press to start or stop the Scan function {page 46}. Press and hold to select a Scan group {page 49}. 5-3 [MENU] Press to enter Menu mode {page 14}. 5-4 [RX/4 (REC)] Press to play back a CW {page 34} or voice message (requires VGS-1 option) {page 59}, or the constantly recorded signal (requires VGS-1 option) {page 60}. Press and hold to activate the constant recorder (requires VGS-1 option) {page 60}. column of two controls directly right of the display, and directly left of the rit/xit control. These are also directly above the left side of the square of rotary encoders which click when turned. they will be read top to bottom. [AGC/T (SEL)] Press to toggle the fast or slow response time for the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) {page 29}. In FM mode, press to cycle through the Tone settings: Tone, CTCSS, CTCSSx, or OFF {page 26}. When Tone is activated in FM mode, press and hold to select a Tone frequency {page 26}. When CTCSS is activated in FM mode, press and hold to select a CTCSS frequency {page 27}. [CW T. (AGC OFF)] Press to start CW auto tuning {page 23}. Press and hold to turn AGC OFF {page 29}. row of three controls directly above all the rotary controls in the upper righthand corner of the transceiver. These will be read left to right. [RIT] Press to turn the RIT (Receive Incremental Tuning) function ON or OFF {page 29}. [XIT] Press to turn the XIT (Transmit Incremental Tuning) function ON or OFF {page 31}. [CL] Press to clear the RIT/ XIT frequency to zero {pages 29, 31}. thiss control is above the righthand column of the square discussed below. It continuously rotates, and is a single knob,. RIT/ XIT control When the RIT/ XIT function is ON, turn to adjust the offset frequency. The RIT/ XIT offset frequency appears on the sub-display {pages 29, 31}. While scanning, turn to adjust the scan speed. rotary controls. These consist of three sets of concentric controls, arranged in a square with a single knob forming the upper righthand coorner. upper left outer control SQL control Turn to select the desired squelch level {page 12}. upper left inner control NOTCH control Turn to select the desired Notch frequency {page 39}. upper right single knob MULTI/CH control In VFO mode, rotate to step the operating frequency up or down {page 28}. In Memory Channel mode, rotate to select a Memory Channel {page 41}. Also, used for selecting Menu numbers when accessing the Menu mode {page 14} and for various configurations. The MULTI/CH LED lights when the MULTI/CH control is not being used to adjust the step frequency. lower left outer control LO/WIDTH control Rotate to adjust the DSP filter bandwidth (high-cut or shift) {page 38}. lower left inner control HI/SHIFT control Rotate to adjust the DSP filter bandwidth (high-cut) or to adjust the DSP filter bandwidth (filter band shift) {page 38}. lower right outer control RF control Turn to adjust the RF gain level {page 10}. lower right inner control AF control Turn to adjust the AF gain level {page 10}.